Gone with the wind

This is the first of two back-to-back birding trips this week while using up my annual leave.

Nothing was going to stop me, not even a little breeze coming in from the SW. Okay, so it was more than just a little breeze, more a mini hurricane to be dramatic. I hedged my bets and opted for the safety of Rainham Marshes. This wasn’t because it’s sheltered because it isn’t. It is however not far to bolt for home if the weather gets too much.

The Thames from Rainham Marshes
Fuck, it was windy. I walked along the sea wall west towards the landfill site scanning the sea for winter ducks. The wind nearly blew me over a couple of times and viewing through a scope was difficult as the wind turned my eyes to pools of water. Teal and Wigeon bobbed about probably having fun but not sure. The fun ended though when a Peregrine Falcon in the shape of an air to sea missile dived down towards the unsuspecting wildfowl. Luckily, the falcon, probably suffering from the wind in it’s eyes like me, missed catching his lunch. The ducks went all over the place.

Teal. Shortly to have a bit of a shock.

I love watching birds trying to fly in strong winds. Some manage really well like ducks and geese but magpies are really untidy. They look like puppets being puppeteered by someone having a fit.

Rock Pipit
I found a small party of Rock Pipits a bit further on. I was able to sit in relative shelter and this enabled me to take a reasonable shot of these birds. Hadn’t had one this year so this took me to equal last year’s total so hopefully by the end of tomorrow I’ll be celebrating. I guess this sounds as though totals and lists are the most important thing to me. They’re not but they serve the purpose of motivating me to get out and watch birds in the most inclement of weather.

I started the circular walk around the RSPB reserve noting Black-tailed Godwit, Redwing, Little Egret, Pintail and at least 700 Lapwings which with another Peregrine circling overhead, were continuously spooked into taking flight like a giant swamp of bees. 

Hopefully, tomorrow will be calmer and brighter than today but to be honest, I couldn’t give a damn.


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