A bit of last minute Christmas birding

Having a few days off before the Christmas break allowed me to indulge in a bit of last minute birding. And rather than create separate posts for each trip, I am lazily putting all the highlights into one post.

Amwell Gravel Pits
At the northern end of the Lee Valley, Amwell is a good place to find wintering ducks and bittern.
Birds seen: siskin, goldeneye, wigeon, shoveler, gadwall, great crested grebe, common gull

Great Northaw Wood
Ancient woodland in Hertfordshire
Birds seen: nuthatch, common treecreeper, coal tit, marsh it, great spotted woodpecker, tawny owl (heard only)
Mammals: muntjac deer

Connaught Water
Local lake on the edge of Epping Forest
Mandarin duck, Hooded Merganser (unknown origin)
Mandarin Duck
Mandarin Ducks


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