Let’s not forget the little guys

I’m sure I don’t need to say that we have all experienced a rather prolonged and uncomfortable winter and early spring. The weather has affected all of us in some way and it now looks as though it will affect the springtime stirrings of many birds. With invertebrate food in short supply because of the cold climate right now,  the source of nourishment birds need to survive and prepare for raising a family is reliant on the food we put out for them.

At the Bittern Watchpoint, the emphasis is of course on the Bittern and other waterbirds and mammals like Water Rail and Water Vole, but just as important at this time of year are the little guys. We have a regular supply of nuts and seed beside the hide that, when things are quiet, becomes the focus for many visitors to the watchpoint. Chaffinches, Robins, Dunnocks, Great, Blue and Long-tailed Tits, Reed Buntings, Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Jays and occasionally Lesser Redpolls all enjoy the rich picking the authority supply.



Great Tit


They all queue up in trees next to the feeding station – clearly a pecking order in place – and get what they need. I of course get plenty of photo-opportunities as you can see.

Hopefully the spring we all know and love is just around the corner. I know I need it but probably not as much as the little guys do.


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