A little purring at Paglesham

Paglesham and the River Crouch
I had it on good authority that a couple of Turtle Doves were to be seen around Paglesham Boatyard. I had never been to Paglesham even though it’s only a couple of miles from work but will now check it on a regular basis.

Turtle Doves are a big deal. They have dropped in numbers across Europe by 62% and are a serious concern. The main reaseons are, as always, changes in farming and unsolicited shooting in some Mediterranean countries with Cyprus and Malta coming top of the list.

Turtle Doves can be difficult to see. The first thing you get is the soft purring sound coming at regular intervals from dense foliage. The first sounds I got were from Whitethroats and Cuckoos. There were a couple of Cuckoos in the area and one quickly showing atop a line of trees close to the boatyard.

The boatyard was busy with Swallows relaying back and forth to nest sites inside boat sheds. behind the sharp chattering of the swallows calls, that steady purr of a Turtle Dove could be heard.

Paglesham Boatyard
Two doves were located in the car park. They were easy to see as they glided from treetop to treetop.

Turtle Dove

Turtle Dove


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