In order to better myself and following my cinema visit to see The Theory of Everything and getting my nose stuck into Steven Hawkings A Brief History of Time, I managed to discover the complete formula that makes our universe make sense – birding. Somehow and with the aid of a fortuitous worm hole, I managed to bend time and get some serious birding in this week. So a visit to Rainham Centauri. Landing Craft. With a landscape not dissimilar to the icy moon Europa, I found myself, alone, at Rainham. To be fair, the mother craft that is the visitor centre did open its lower hatch with a burst of dry ice and a figure almost human in the shape of HV-1 did invite me in with a pointing finger but I declined. I took the opportunity to have a scan around the car park area and flushed a little green monster in the shape of a Green Woodpecker. Little Green Man Instead, I chose to traverse the rugged terrain of the the river path in search of life in the shape of Water Pipits and...