Thursley Common. A rare habitat indeed.

Why did I agree to this? It’s 4am and my daughter Tanya, bag packed (quite a small one for a change but that’s EasyJet for you) pushes me out the front door towards the car. Still, the reasonably short drive to Gatwick carrying three excited young ladies isn’t too bad when the roads are clear and the sky is blue. Now, I’m not one to miss a bird watching opportunity and one certainly presented it to me as I realised I would be within easy reach of Thursley Common and could be there for 6am. I’d been there a couple of times and with my trusty SatNav I just tapped in Thursley and figured the reserve would be easy to find. Think again Braun. The Thursley bit was easy enough. I passed some pretty little villages and pubs making a mental not of their names but now as I write, I can’t remember any of them. Thursley is just off the A3 near Godalming. The common is actually a vast area of heath and mixed woodland and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The trouble is, the car park i...